Clem Chesterfield
“Canadian alt-country singer-songwriter Clem Chesterfield is back once again with a new record, Of Lures & Love, in which he brilliantly and humorously explores themes of farm life, love, inclusivity, and much more.”
— Music Mecca
Lures On The Wall | Written by- R. Timothy Sheffield | Performed by- Clem Chesterfield & The LA-Z Boy Recliners
Damien Van Johnson | Rocky Roberts | Sarah McDermott
Video by- S.M. Turrell @wolfelodge | Sound & Good Vibes by- Hugh Christopher Brown
Recorded at: https://hotelwolfeisland.com/ | https://wolfeislandrecords.com/
Clem has always been a water cowboy, in fact some folks believe he was found as a baby in a saddle bag by the shores of Lake Superior…
Now residing on the traditional homeland of the Anishinaabe, Huron-Wendat and Haudenosaunee peoples on the north shore of Lake Ontario, Clem is singing about humanity being put on warning that “it looks it’s last call for the lures on the wall”. The not so veiled sentiment is that if we don’t start taking care of our precious water, we won’t be using the fishing lures, or swimming, or drinking fresh water anymore.
It’s a wake up call of sorts with the hope that changing people and industry’s path of environmental degradation is still possible but “the writing’s on the wall, Ya’ll, Ya’ll, Ya’ll”
https://www.swimdrinkfish.ca/waterkeepers | http://www.waterkeeper.ca/
Of Lures & Love
Live on Bandcamp!
Of Lures & Love... Clem's new record on CD & vinyl coming this spring featuring Date Night. Special guests Miss Emily and Burke Carroll join the LA-Z Boy Recliners for an Alt Country Extravaganza!